The Rice County Health Department will be giving vaccinations at Sterling Grade School and Sterling Jr/Sr High on Friday, October 9, 2020.  If you would like your child to participate you must do the following:

1.   Read over the immunization information sheet available online at  or you may pick up    

a printed copy from Sterling Grade School or Sterling High School office.

2.   Fill out the consent form. Forms are available by clicking here.

3.   Make a copy of your child’s insurance card or medical card. You will be billed for     

      any amount that is not covered. If you do not have insurance you should send cash or

      check (made out to the Rice County Health Department) for $40. 

Grade School students must have a parent present during the vaccination. Vaccinations for Grade School students will be at Sterling Grade School from 3:30-4:30.  The line will form outside of the building at the flag pole. Please social distance. Masks need to be worn. Jr/Sr High school students can receive the vaccination during school from 1:00-2:00.  Any questions can be directed to the Rice County Health Department at 620-257-2171 or the Sterling school nurse at 620-278-3112.