After much consideration, we have decided to move grades 9-12 to full remote instruction next week, April 6-9. The positive cases this week have led to over 30 quarantines, and        additional students to be tested. We want to do everything possible to ensure that we are able to have our spring activities including prom and graduation. We are hoping that keeping the kids home this week will allow us to prevent a wider outbreak causing us to delay or cancel some of our most cherished activities. 
Grades preK-8 will attend as scheduled, but we will be refocused on our Covid mitigation strategies. We will be paying extra close attention to proper mask wearing, distancing as much as possible, hand washing, and sanitizing surfaces. Please be on the lookout for Covid symptoms, and if they exhibit even slight symptoms, keep them home. 
Our outdoor activity practices and competitions will go on as scheduled. 
Mr. Bressler is planning device pickup for any 9-12 students that need their device for remote instruction next week. Staff will be available Monday, April 5th from 3:00-5:00 to retrieve devices from lockers. 
Thank you all for your patience and support through this entire difficult year. Hopefully, this is just a small speed bump on our road back to normalcy and we can finish out the year on a positive note.